Official Payments
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Save on TurboTax® Online(SM) Federal Products

Save Now on TurboTax Online Federal Products
Save on TurboTax Online federal products, which includes free e-filing. For simple tax returns, use TurboTax Federal Free Edition.

Whether you owe taxes or expect a refund, TurboTax Online is an easy, accurate way to prepare and file your taxes.

Get TurboTax

And If You Owe, Pay Your Taxes With Official Payments Online and On Time!
Whether you file using TurboTax Online, or on your own, you can still pay your taxes with Official Payments using your debit or credit card and paying online the fast, safe and secure way! There is nothing better than knowing your taxes have been paid on time, on your time, every time.

Make A Payment

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ACI Payments, Inc. is licensed as a money transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services, the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance, and by all other states and territories, where required. NMLS #936777. 6060 Coventry Dr, Elkhorn NE 68022. 1-800-487-4567
NACHA Certified Authorized IRS Payment Provider Since 1999